My Journey in Sports – A Story of Passion, Setbacks, and Comebacks

  • My life has always revolved around volleyball. My first ball, my first match, my first fascination – I was only seven years old. Little did I know that this would mark the beginning of a journey filled with challenges, triumphs, and tough choices. My first encounter with “big volleyball” happened during the 2014 World Championship, where I worked in the accreditation department at the Ergo Arena in Gdańsk.
  • Studying at Gdańsk University of Technology was the next chapter of my story – balancing education with intense training sessions and a job at Atom Trefl Sopot. I started by putting up match posters, only to later co-organize top-league games.
  • In the following seasons, I took on the role of Manager for youth teams at Lotos Trefl Gdańsk – teams that continue to fight for Polish Championship medals to this day. Simultaneously, I created and led an amateur team that won trophies on Trójmiasto courts. It was then that I truly felt the power of the volleyball community and realized how much this sport shapes not only the players but everyone involved.
  • And yet, for years, I was building my future in a completely different direction. I was studying mechatronics – a world of engineering, precision, and technology. But the deeper I ventured into that path, the more I felt that I didn’t belong there.
  • I made one of the most important decisions of my life – I left mechatronics behind to pursue a career in management. For the first time, I consciously chose my path. And although it wasn’t easy, I knew it was the right decision.
  • That was my last, most beautiful indoor volleyball season – a season filled with emotions that cannot be replicated. As a young engineer, I left Gdańsk behind.

Searching for a New Path

  • I completed my master’s degree at a sports university in Warsaw, earning the title of a certified sports manager and a Master’s in Physical Education. During my studies, I wrote two theses that became the foundation of my future in beach volleyball:
    – “Business Plan for Year-Round Beach Sports Courts”
    -“Concept of a Business and Organizational Model for a Beach Volleyball Club in Poland”
  • This was an intense period where I combined experiences from two different volleyball worlds—women’s indoor volleyball at the top league level and Poland’s elite beach volleyball scene. It was a time filled with unforgettable emotions, but also the moment when I first witnessed the decline of the “beauty of volleyball”—a system where sporting values started giving way to the harsh realities of business.
  • The next step was moving to Wrocław and working at #VolleyWrocław. As a Project Manager and training assistant to coach Dawid Murek, I had the opportunity to learn from some of the best in the sport. However, this was also a challenging period. For the second time, I saw how the “beauty of volleyball” was overshadowed by the hard realities of the industry.

Perfectionism and the Turning Point

  • Perfectionism has always been my driving force—something I now strive to keep in check. It led me to take on the role of Director of the Gwardia Wrocław Academy, where I was responsible for managing 160 athletes and pulling the academy out of a crisis. It was one of the greatest challenges of my career.
  • However, I quickly realized that this was just the beginning—I was caught in a whirlwind of intense work that gradually led me toward burnout. Workaholism became a dangerous mechanism, and changes in my life started happening at a relentless pace.
  • For the third time, the “beauty of volleyball” collapsed in my eyes. Something that had once been my whole world was slowly falling apart.
  • Looking back, I see a common thread between changing clubs and my decision to switch career paths. All these moments were connected by one thing—an internal conflict of values. When something fundamentally clashes with what you believe in, when you lose its meaning and authenticity, it’s a sign that it’s time to choose yourself and make a change. I faced another key decision—returning to Gdańsk.

A New Chapter – Beach Volleyball and Returning to My Roots

  • Without false modesty—I never lacked collaboration offers. On one hand, it was rewarding; on the other, I was fully aware of the price I had paid for it.
  • Throughout all these years, beach volleyball was more than just an alternative for me. From my first touches on the sand in elementary school, through the beaches of Tricity, the Warsaw community, Wrocław’s passionate players, and Poznań’s unique atmosphere—it was always there. I organized both amateur tournaments and official Polish Championship Qualification events.
  • My first coaching offer came at a time when my professional priorities didn’t allow me to accept it. But when the opportunity came again, I didn’t say no. In the 2023 season, I had the chance to train and coach the junior duo Balaszczuk/Włodarczyk, who finished 9th in Poland. That was the moment I first saw beach volleyball from a different perspective—thank you for that, girls!
  • Did I fall in love with beach volleyball at that moment? Maybe that’s when our bond deepened. But in truth, I had already fallen for the sport years earlier—thanks to a certain “great” and “beautiful” person.

Closing a Chapter and Finding a New Path

  • I have closed the chapter titled “indoor volleyball,” though it still occasionally reappears in my life. Like many young athletes, I once dreamed of a professional sports career. For years, I tried to tame my unfulfilled ambitions, but when I realized I was playing purely for enjoyment, I started searching for a new path—this time, beyond the court.
  • I worked to build my position within club structures until I was offered the role of President of a first-league club. It was a defining moment—while for many, this might have seemed like a dream come true, I knew exactly what it entailed, and I knew it wasn’t my path. Today, I’m grateful I turned it down.
  • Fate led me to Poznań, where I began working with Proskos Academy. As Head of Operations and a coach, I had the opportunity to collaborate with countless people—athletes, coaches, and event organizers. Hours of conversations, hundreds of training sessions, thousands of touches—it all helped me understand the sport, the industry, and myself even better.
  • I would love to remember this period with nothing but gratitude, but the truth is, I once again felt an internal conflict. Something wasn’t right. And so—I returned to Gdańsk.
  • The past ten years have been a time of intense experiences. I’ve met incredible people, built friendships across Poland, and consistently carved out my place in the sports world—making decisions that required both courage and determination. Every step of my journey—both the triumphs and the challenges—has taught me the importance of staying true to my values. I know now that they are what guide me forward.Today, I can confidently say one thing—I have never regretted the choices that allowed me to stay authentic and grow on my own terms.
  • Instead of following a predefined path, I chose something more—I chose to create my own space, where I can share my passion and shape the future of the sport. After years of traveling and gaining experience, I am now starting a new chapter in Tricity. I have made the decision to fully dedicate myself to coaching beach volleyball and to work on my own terms. This is not just a profession—it’s a way of life, where I combine experience, ambition, and love for the sport. “Stay hungry, stay foolish,” as Steve Jobs once said. To that, I’ll add: “but keep balance.”